Woman Being is a community of people who happen to be female. We host conversations in order to gain perspective and promote healing. On our own we only have a part of the story but together we create a whole story, the human story.
This project was birthed out of a close group of friends getting lost in conversation. Maybe we just like hearing ourselves talk, or maybe we found our conversations so deeply enriching that we decided to extend the invitation in the form of a podcast. We hope that as we explore this big, messy world and dive into the gray that you’ll find some gold in the midst of it too.


Kelley Werner
Emma Williams
Kelly Anne Carter
I believe in being brave. I can’t help but point out the elephant in the room, or challenge the bully. I’ve found that bravery, coupled with gentle-loving kindness, will often make room for those too scared to speak up for themselves. Deep in my bones is a fighter who knows that an inauthentic peace is not peace at all. I was forged by faith, sweat, and dissatisfaction with adequate. I dream big and work harder to live a life that matters. I hold dear my husband, good friends, close family, and also my cat.
As someone who is deeply passionate about many things, but a master of none of them, I love taking the time to dive into deep conversations and explore the stories of others. I believe strongly in every person’s ability to be creative and that humans can make the smallest changes in how they live their lives in order to move mountains. I know that every woman is powerful, and that power can be drawn out of them through setting an empowered example, creative exploits, or simple affirmations.
Growing up in the plains of Oklahoma, in a house of women, I was able to cultivate a spirit of dedication and passion. That spirit manifests itself in the hats I wear - from poet to business woman to naturalist to femininity guru. I believe deeply in the power of words and the stories they can tell, whether from the hearts of those around me or printed on pages. Hearing the perspectives of others is very important to me as I seek understanding alongside my wonderful husband James, my friends who are like family, and the many mentors that pour into me.

Start listening and become part of the Woman Being community here! You can also listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and more. Enjoy! New episodes every Tuesday.
show trailer
Welcome to the Woman Being Podcast - a community of people who happen to be female and who are hosting space for honest and challenging conversations. Let's dive in!
episode 1
Poet, preacher, activist, storyteller, and co-founder of MVMNT Collaborative, Tinasha LaRayé joins the Woman Beings to share on racial justice, black history, kingdom principles, and the role of women in the black history movement.
episode 2
The discussion of 'modesty' is not unfamiliar to young women in the church. Find out what the 'problem with modesty' really is as the Woman Beings share their own stories of learning how to navigate clothing and purity, and how they had to learn to love their skin.
Contact us
Feel free to reach out to us at womanbeingpodcast@gmail.com - and, if you enjoy what we do, rate and review us on your favorite podcasting app!
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